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The Most Common Dental Problems

Excerpt: There are quite a few dental issues that can occur even with a fairly healthy oral care routine and diet. Your mouth is a very...
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There are quite a few dental issues that can occur even with a fairly healthy oral care routine and diet. Your mouth is a very sensitive place and it can be very hard to clean all the different surfaces. Since humans are creatures of habit we may develop and keep bad habits without even noticing them.

What are the most common dental problems?

The most common dental problems are:

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Also known scientifically as halitosis, is an affliction that almost everyone experiences from time to time. Some may experience it for different reasons, and it will be more severe for others, if you have bad breath, you can be comforted in the fact that everyone else has had it at some point as well.

The Most Common Dental Problems - 1 - Smiles Dental Group

Tooth Cavities

Cavities are another dental affliction that occurs in the majority of patients. It’s pretty common for people, in general, to neglect their teeth in some way. You might forget to brush, or you might not brush on purpose, you might even be rushing your oral care routine. Bacteria is one of the main reasons why we have cavities in our teeth, did you know that the xylitol in chewing gum can actually make your teeth healthier, it reduces bad bacteria in your mouth! Chewing gum in general is actually pretty good for your teeth and has some surprising health benefits.

Your teeth may be easy to ignore because they might not appear to need brushing or flossing. Just because you can’t see or feel food particles in your teeth it doesn’t mean there aren’t any. You should always treat your teeth like you need to brush them.

Gum (Gingivitis & Periodontal) Disease

Considering how many people neglect to brush their teeth, it’s no secret that gum disease is also very prevalent in many patients. If your gums have ever bled while you were brushing or flossing with them then that could be an early indicator of the disease. If you do not like flossing, you can also try a waterpik!

Gum disease needs to be stopped early, here are some indicators to look for:

  • Bad breath
  • Red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Pain when chewing
Gum disease is also referred to as gingivitis, advanced gum disease is referred to as periodontitis. 
To keep your gums healthy check out our blog here.
The Most Common Dental Problems - 3 - Smiles Dental Group

Oral cancer

One of the main reasons oral cancer is such a prevalent issue is that the mouth is the entry point for lots of substances. If you are neglecting how damaging some consumables are, you may want to think again.

Some of the biggest risk factors are:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Alcohol use

If you are a regular user of alcohol or tobacco, then oral cancer is something you should be concerned about, and even if you don’t watch out for these symptoms:

  • Sores
  • Lumps
  • Rough areas in the mouth
  • Change in your bite
  • Difficulty chewing or moving your tongue or jaw
These symptoms need to get checked out immediately if you began to notice an appearance of one or more of them.
The Most Common Dental Problems - 5 - Smiles Dental Group

Sores in or around your mouth

Sores in your mouth are never a good thing, and they are always an inconvenience. Generally, these sores heal within 2-3 weeks but if they last longer, or happen frequently, you should be concerned.

  • Canker Sores – These may show up inside your mouth, they aren’t contagious and can be triggered by many things. If you are afflicted by them, make a note of what you are eating, or if your neglecting oral care, before they appear. 
  • Fever blisters/cold sores – These are most likely caused by herpes simplex virus. If they appear, get them checked out by a dentist or doctor to confirm that what they are before assuming you have herpes though.
  • Thrush – This is a common problem caused by yeast infection, if you’re going for regular dental checkups your dentist should be able to spot it and warn you about it.
Generally, unlike most dental issues, sores can show up over night for seemingly no reason, if they do just journal the food and oral care choices you made before they did.

Tooth Erosion

Tooth erosion is caused by the foods digesting your mouth (which turns into plaque & tartar), these processes are naturally damaging to your teeth. If you don’t clean regularly, you can have bad plaque build-up, which will eventually turn to tartar (calculus), tartar which can promote cavities. There are lots of symptoms that are associated with erosion, as long as you do regular maintenance and checkups, it should help prevent most of it.

Tooth Sensitivity

If you have tooth sensitivity to certain food or beverages, it may be a dental issue. You could also experience sensitivity from a number of other causes:
  • Sweets
  • Cold air
  • Hot drinks
  • Cold drinks
  • Ice cream

You can ask your dentist what they recommend for your tooth sensitivity, but if this is a common dental problem, it could be time to invest in sensitive toothpaste. This toothpaste is specifically designed to help cure sensitive teeth.

dental emergencies

Some things can’t be avoided no matter how much you try and prepare for them. If you have a dental emergency you should always get it looked at right away.

Here are some dental emergencies:

  • One or more loose teeth
  • Severe toothache 
  • Bleeding sore gums
  • Swollen painful jaw
  • Dental abscess

Cosmetic Issues

If you have gaps in your teeth, an uneven bite, uneven teeth, or other imperfections it can greatly impact the way you smile, or may even impede your speech.

A few dental implants & procedures that may help are:

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Dental Issues?

Bad food and oral care! These two factors, surprisingly, are often over looked, but they are the most critical things for good oral health and long-lasting, white teeth! Having a good diet and good oral care is like going to the gym, it might be a bit annoying at first, but you will see the results if you keep it up!

Not seeing the dentist on a regular basis is another common cause!


Common problems like cavities tend to have common solutions, for most of these issues the answer is to clean your at least teeth twice a day, and make smart decisions on your food choices.

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