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Why Do I Taste Metal In My Mouth? – Dysgeusia

Excerpt: If you have ever experienced a metal taste in your mouth it is called dysgeusia...
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Why Do I taste metal In My Mouth?

Dysgeusia is diagnosed when a patient experiences a metal taste in their mouth. Thankfully, it's usually not considered a very serious issue most of the time. However, if you do experience dysgeusia, you should not assume it doesn't mean anything serious, we recommend making an appointment so you can get a professional opinion.

6 Reasons You May Taste Metal In Your Mouth

You can taste metal for lots of reasons, depending on your situation you may experience at least one:

Poor Oral Hygiene

If your oral care is subpar, or infrequent, it may cause you to taste metal. This can be due to gum disease issues. It may be a sign that you have gingivitis, if this continues untreated, it can turn severe and become periodontitis. If you have a dental checkup, you should mention the metal taste to your dentist so they can give you tips on how to treat it.

For your oral hygiene, a quick and effective routine is:

  • Brushing – 30 seconds each quarter of your mouth, tongue, and gums.
  • Flossing – Make sure you get every tooth.
  • Mouthwash – Swish for 15-30 seconds.

Over-The-Counter Vitamins Or Medication

If you are experiencing a metal taste, it could be because of actual metal! Heavy minerals like copper and zinc are needed in the human body as well, these, however, can cause the metal taste in your mouth. Talk to your dentist to see what you can do about it.

Prescription Drugs

If you have prescription medication, it may be the issue, a few medications that are known to cause the metal taste include:

  • Allopurinol
  • Captopril
  • Clarithromycin
  • Lithium
  • Methazolamide
  • Metformin
  • Metronidazole
  • Tetracycline
  • Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy Mouth

This can be a result of chemotherapy, which can trigger the metallic taste in your mouth.


Colds, respiratory infections, and sinusitis can all cause you to experience dysgeusia.


Certain food allergies can trigger the metallic taste in your mouth, typically these allergies include, tree nuts and shellfish

How To Prevent Dysgeusia

The best way to prevent tasting metal is to have outstanding dental hygiene. Keep up on regular brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use, also go to your dental checkups every 6 months.

Other tips to prevent dysgeusia include:
  • Stay hydrated, also try sucking on (not chewing) ice chips.
  • Avoid metal water bottles and cutlery
  • Brush your teeth with baking soda to neutralize the mouth
  • Avoid using tobacco products
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How do I stop the metal taste?

If you do have a metallic taste, there are a number of easy methods you can try:

  • Mix baking soda with water to create a paste and use this as toothpaste to neutralize the mouth.
  • Chew on a breath mint or sugarless gum.
  • Brush your teeth with toothpaste.
  • Use mouthwash.

The metallic taste is generally a temporary symptom so it most likely won’t last for a long time.
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When should I see my dentist?

It would be advisable to see a dentist if one of the following happens:


  • Taste does not return to normal after a couple of days.
  • You also experience a loss of taste or other symptoms.
  • You don’t know why the taste is happening.
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