Tooth Pain
Tooth pain is a common symptom of many oral health issues. If you are feeling pain or discomfort in any part of your mouth, it is often considered a more serious symptom.The mouth has a significant amount of exposure to threats and outside ailments it has to defend against. Pain is often an early warning sign for many dental issues that could be serious issues or temporary setbacks. Since tooth pain, in general, has such a wide variety of potential causes, let’s talk about some of the most likely issues.
Tooth Pain – What causes it?
Oral pain, either toothaches or other oral pain are typically caused by one of the following problems:
- Fractured/knocked out tooth
- Tooth decay
- Abscessed tooth
- A damaged filling, crown, or dental appliance
- Teeth grinding (bruxism)
- Infected gums
All of these issues could also be considered a dental emergency depending on how advanced the issue is.
A toothache may show these symptoms
- Different types of tooth pain – This may be take on a variety of attributes, it could be, sharp & throbbing, consistent, or only felt when pressure is applied to the tooth.
- Local swelling – The gums around the tooth may be swollen, red or puffy.
- Fever or headache – Certain dental issues like infections and dental abscesses can cause these symptoms.
- Foul tasting drainage from the infected tooth.
When should I see my dentist about tooth pain or toothache?
- Severe pain – If the patient thinks the pain is severe then it’s time to call the dentist, if the pain is disruptive to your regular activities then it could be an emergency.
- Ongoing pain – If the pain is present over a few days and does not go away then it’s a sign that something is wrong.
- Fever, earache, or pain when opening your mouth – Infections will cause even your most basic movements to feel uncomfortable. If you have an unexplained fever it’s time to make a dentist or doctor’s appointment.
Summary – What causes tooth pain and when should I call someone?
There are numerous reasons for a tooth ache, you should be concerned if it’s, intense, consistent, or if you have an unexplained, fever, swelling, or pain with mouth movement.
broken teeth
Tooth Decay
Abscessed Tooth
Damaged Fillings, Crowns, Or Dental Appliances
Teeth Grinding (bruxism)
Infected gums
Summary – What caused my tooth pain?
There are a number of reasons tooth pain could be caused, here are a few common issues:
- Fractured/knocked out tooth
- Tooth decay
- Abscessed tooth
- A damaged filling, crown, or dental appliance
- Teeth grinding (bruxism)
- Infected gums
Tooth pain DIY relief
If you’re experiencing pain at home and you can’t get to the dentist, here are some DIY home remedies for toothaches you can try:
- Cold compress – Lightly hold an ice pack or a cold bag against your jaw. (Frozen peas and meat both work great for substitutes).
- Elevating your head – The blood in your head can create pressure on the tooth, elevating your head can relieve some of this pressure.
- Salt water rinse – Salt has anti-microbial properties, mix a teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gently swish it around your mouth.
- Medicated ointments – There are OTC products that have been formulated to help get rid of tooth pain temporarily.
- Hydrogen peroxide rinse – Mix a small cup with half water and half hydrogen peroxide. Gently swish and spit, DO NOT swallow the mix, it isn’t fatal, but it’s not recommended.
- Garlic – Crush real garlic cloves and immediately mix it to a paste. Brush or apply the paste to the tooth that is in pain. The allicin resulting from the crushed garlic can have a antimicrobial effect
What should I do about tooth pain?
Frequently Asked Questions
Not every dental emergency will be painful, you can break a tooth and not feel pain at all. If you do have an emergency, treat it sooner than later, regardless of how little pain you feel.
Our emergency dental clinic is open all year around, just in case.
Call ahead to book your emergency dental appointment. If you do call us we will do our best to get in you the same day, or as soon as we can.
These emergency dentist procedures have a very wide range in cost, we have some of our procedure fees listed here. Or you can call us to get a more specific estimate.