Professional Root Canal Therapy in Edmonton

What Is A Root Canal?

Root canal therapy (RCT) gets rid of bacteria in the infected root canal. Root canal treatment also prevents reinfection of the dental pulp and saves the natural tooth.

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What Does Root Canal treatment Look Like?

What can cause a tooth infection?

Infections are commonly caused by bacteria or poor oral care. These infections can promote tooth decay, leaky fillings, and damage to the teeth.

Who Needs Root Canal therapy?

Common symptoms that suggest that you may need a root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) include:


  • Persistent lingering pain or sensitivity to cold or hot foods/beverages.
  • Excessive tooth pain when applying pressure or chewing.
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth.
  • Persistent or recurring pimple on the gum.

If you experience any of these symptoms, we strongly recommend you see a dentist. Through X-rays and other tests, our dentists will identify and treat your dental pain.

Is Root Canal Therapy Common?

Root canals are possibly the most widely recognized dental treatments. Root canals cure the infection at the center of the tooth. Every tooth has a root canal system; if this system becomes infected it will cause serious issues later on, like an abscessed tooth for example. An endodontist, or tooth pulp specialist, often intervenes in extreme cases.

How Is a Root Canal Therapy Performed?

The root canal dentistry procedure has many steps:

An opening the dentist makes in the tooth to perform the surgery.

The measuring is completed by a special device called an “apex locator”, and x-rays.

A procedure involving the physical shaping of each canal with specialized instruments such as endodontic files and the chemical disinfection of the canal(s).

This is the filling and sealing of each canal.

A permanent filling material is placed to prevent the re-entry of bacteria into the sealed and disinfected canal(s).

A dentist may place a post in one or more of the canals to help retain the final restoration.

After the root canal has been in the tooth for some time, a dental crown could be recommended.

The crown is the preferred final restoration for many root canal-treated teeth because it lowers the risk of fracture (root canal teeth can become brittle over time).

Frequently asked questions

No it’s not! Dentists do what they can to minimize the pain. You may experience discomfort, but generally you won’t experience much pain, if any. Root canals aren’t typically painful due to effective local anesthesia used to numb the tooth and surrounding area. Post-treatment, there might be some tenderness or mild pain, which is often manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. Advances in dental techniques and pain management have made root canals much more comfortable compared to the past. Follow the dentist’s aftercare instructions to minimize any discomfort and promote healing.

You can check out our costs on this page here. 1 root canal will start at $745 and we are ALWAYS below the Alberta Fee Guide.

Generally it will take at least 2 sessions due to the nature of the procedure.