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Buck Teeth (Overbite) – What You Need To Know

Excerpt: Buck teeth may make the person self-conscious about their appearance.
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What Causes Buck Teeth?

Buck teeth are often a result of genetics. If bite issues were a problem for older members of your family, then you may fall victim to them as well (this is not always the case). Bite issues can also be the cause of non-nutritive sucking behavior (NNSB). If the infant starts sucking on their thumb or using a pacifier early on in the development of their permanent teeth, it can potentially cause the teeth to come in at an odd angle.

What are buck teeth?

Buck teeth, also known as an overbite (malocclusion), aren’t necessarily an issue if it doesn’t cause any medical issues that may be of concern.

Buck teeth may make the person self-conscious about their appearance. If it is noticeable it may be a cause for concern as people may make fun of the person for having an overbite. For these reasons and others, people quite often tend to get these bite issues realigned.


Tongue thrust occurs when the tongue presses too far forward in the mouth, which can sometimes result in a malocclusion called “open bite.”
Tongue-thrusting can be caused by a number of things these can include, including swollen adenoids or tonsils, and can be a result of poor swallowing habits. In adults, stress may also be a factor or poor sleeping habits.


This can be one of the main factors of overbites or underbites. Unfortunately, if it is genetics, nothing can be done to prevent it, you can only treat it.

Missing, Extra, or Impacted Teeth

Even though the human mouth is designed for 32 teeth, there can be abnormalities. You can have more teeth, fewer teeth, or even impacted teeth (when one tooth prevents another from growing in). All these issues can cause the teeth to move in such a way that it can prevent them from growing properly.

Oral Tumors And Cysts

Tumors and cysts are abnormal growths or buildups within the body. One of these occurs in the oral region, it can cause the teeth to move and shift out of place.
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Overbite Health Complications

Depending on the severity of the overbite, there can be numerous risks associated with it, if it goes untreated:
  • Speech impediments
  • Breathing issues
  • Chewing deficiencies
  • Damage to other teeth and gums
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Alterations in the appearance of the face

How Are Buck Teeth Treated?

Treatment isn’t always required for an overbite, if there is no medical concern, then there is no reason to treat it. However, severe overbites should be treated to prevent any future issues. There are also a number of different treatment options for them.


Braces are the most common way to treat bite issues. Braces consist of metal brackets and bands that are tightened over a period of months to adjust the bite. These orthopedic devices are incredibly reliable and are well-known in the world of dentistry. In fact, you’ve probably known at least one person that has had braces in your lifetime, or you may have even used them yourself.

Palate Expansion

If the child has an upper jaw that is too small to accommodate all their teeth, they may be eligible for a palate expansion. This will be accomplished by using a device that will very gradually widen the palate.


These devices are “clear aligners”, they are clear plastic devices that are meant to be slipped on your teeth and worn for 22-24 hours a day. They are not as effective as braces but are mainly used to treat less severe issues late after childhood.

Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgery can be used to treat the most extreme alignment issues. It is also only used for fully developed patients, children and teens may not be eligible for it if they are still growing.

Home Treatment For Buck Teeth

Buck teeth cannot be treated at home. You will need a professional’s help to treat them. Please do not attempt to fix a miss-aligned bite without a professionals help.
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