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Holes In Teeth – Causes, Solutions, Treatments

Excerpt: Teeth have evolved to be incredibly strong structures in the human body...
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Holes In Teeth

Holes in your teeth can appear for a number of reasons, some common reasons for holes in your teeth include, decay, bruxism, and trauma.

Teeth have evolved to be incredibly strong structures in the human body, the enamel, however, is still vulnerable to attack from some of the smallest organisms around, bacteria. These bacteria can be so damaging to your teeth that they can actually cause you to have potentially fatal symptoms if the decay gets bad enough! Let’s find out how these oral structures can get holes in them!

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Holes In Your Teeth – Causes

Did you know that even though cavities are often easily prevented, almost everyone gets at least one in their lifetime? According to this study, up to 90% of children have had a cavity (dental caries), and almost 100% of adults have had cavities.

Poor Oral Care

This is easily the number one reason for getting cavities. The main factor for dental decay is not just eating high-carb foods or junk food in general, but it’s how long the sugar is allowed to stay in your mouth. If you brush your teeth inconsistently, or not very well, it will allow the bacteria in your mouth more time to digest. This will also cause more plaque to form on your teeth, which will eventually turn into tartar (calculus). The plaque and tartar will eat away at your enamel which will cause the holes to slowly form in your teeth.


Brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, once when you wake up, and immediately when you go to bed will significantly decrease your chances of having a cavity form. It will be even more effective if you can floss, and add mouthwash! Chewing gum sweetened with xylitol between meals has also been proven to. The main way it does this is by preventing bacteria from building up to much, and it also helps to prevent plaque from sticking to the teeth so easily. Chewing the gum is not an excuse to stop brushing, but it is a tool that can be used to make your oral care more effective. Make sure the gum does not contain sugar, as that can reverse the intended effect.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding (bruxism) is traumatic for your teeth and can easily cause you to damage them if it is not treated or protected. Bruxism can happen subconsciously, or during the night, it is recommended that you get protection for bruxism in the form of a mouthguard, custom mouthguards can make them comfortable for you to wear. If you have unexplained soreness in your jaw or pain in your teeth, it may be a symptom of bruxism, the dentist will also be able to diagnose this even if you are unaware that have bruxism. If you are inflicted with this issue, you should be mindful of the amount of stress you have in your life, cause that can often make people grind their teeth, and it can be damaging over time.

High-Carb Foods

Eating lots of sugary and or starchy foods can be damaging to your teeth. Even if you’re not eating actual junk food, sugar is still sugar. The bacteria in your mouth thrive off carbohydrates. The more carbohydrates you eat will cause more plaque to be produced. If you eat a more balanced diet, especially with more vegetables and fruit, it can cause you to produce more saliva which can fight decay.

Alcohol And Tobacco Use

When we drink, the alcohol has carbs in it, being intoxicated may also cause us to eat more bad foods since we are less inhibited than we normally are. On top of this, you may also not have the best oral care when you get home from a night of partying. This can all lead to the promotion of tooth decay. Smoking is also well-known to cause oral health issues. Tobacco use, either smoking or non-smoking can lead to significant health issues, and can even cause cancer. Considering it’s also terribly expensive, it’s not worth quitting.
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Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

Oral health symptoms are notoriously hard to diagnose for the average individual. Most oral afflictions typically start with a lot of similar feeling sensations. If you notice any of these occur, you should seriously consider making a dentist appointment:


  • Tooth pain – This can be felt directly in the tooth, or it can feel like it’s coming from the gums.
  • Tooth sensitivity – Sudden onset sensitivity that stays over time is symptomatic of decay.
  • Tooth Discoloration – Lack of blood flow and nutrients can cause the color to darken to yellow, brown, grey, or even black.
  • Chipped or fractured teeth – Breaks can allow for easier access to the inner pulp of the tooth.
  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • A bad taste
If you do notice any of these symptoms, do not ignore them. You should track how long they last, and how often they occur.

Holes In Your Teeth – Treatments

Since cavities are so prevalent in our society, there are many different treatment options you can potentially be eligible for if you do get them.

  • Bonded fillings
  • Tooth crowns
  • Root canal
  • Tooth extraction
The chosen solution will depend entirely on the severity and location of the cavity, as well as the budget for dental work.

Holes In Your Teeth – Prevention

Many cavities could be easily prevented which would save significant amounts of trouble and pain for the patient. Here are some tips that will significantly improve your oral health:

  • Eating vegetables and fruits – The fiber will increase saliva production, and the nutrients will help your oral health.
  • Snacking on low-carb foods – The decreased carbs will keep the bacteria from producing so much plaque.
  • Increased oral care – Brush, floss, and use mouthwash 2-3 times a day.
  • Chew xylitol sweetened-gum -Xylitol has been clinically proven to benefit oral health.
  • Drink less pop, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports drinks – These drinks contain lots of sugar and can cause your mouth to be very acidic.
  • Regular dental checkups – The early a cavity is diagnosed, the better. You may think a cavity is a stain, but a dentist is significantly more likely to make the right diagnosis.


One mineral you will want to make sure you are getting enough of is fluoride! Fluoride helps to strengthen and fortify the teeth. If you do not get enough fluoride you may be leaving them open to decay. You can also risk breaking them if you do lack fluoride.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s best to let the dentist decide that, a cavity may not be immediately painful so you could mistake it for a stain.

Sooner the better! Cavities will almost always get worse over time if left untreated.

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