Have A Toothache? Causes, Prevention, Solution

Excerpt: Toothaches can make your life miserable, even a small one, if it's really bad it can be disruptive, and might even be an indication...
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What Are Toothaches?

Toothaches occur when there is noticeable pain or discomfort that is felt in your one or more of your teeth. Toothaches can happen for a number of reasons. Typically it is a symptom of infection or sensitivity.

Toothaches can make your life miserable, even a small one, if it’s really bad it can be disruptive, and might even be an indication that something is seriously wrong. If your toothache is persistent and does not feel like it’s getting any better, it might be time to see a dentist.

In case you’re wondering how you got your toothache, we’ll go over a couple of reasons why. Afterward, we’ll talk about how to remedy the toothache, and what you can do to prevent them.

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Common toothache causes

Sensitive Teeth

Teeth can be sensitive for a number of different reasons, if you have ever bit into ice or drank hot coffee, you’ve probably had some experience with sensitivity. This issue can be mitigated to the point where it should no longer be a concern for most people.

If you experience tooth sensitivity on an ongoing basis, then your reason might be on this list:

  • Overly intense brushing – This can hurt your gums and cause sensitivity issues.
  • Eating acidic foods – Certain foods are more acidic, this will wear away your enamel.
  • Grind your teeth (bruxism) – It can wear away your enamel and cause cracks in your teeth.
Thankfully, there are readily available off-the-shelf solutions you can buy for your sensitive teeth. If you buy toothpaste and mouthwashes that are classified as “sensitive”, then these will help control your sensitivity. However, you may want to speak to your dentist first, if your sensitivity is really bad, they might not work as well.
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Cavities and tooth decay

Cavities are a pretty common reason for toothaches. There are literally holes in the enamel of your teeth, this creates a big vulnerability. Cavities should always get checked out, depending on the cavity it may or may not need to be filled, although if you’re experiencing a toothache from it, then it needs to be fixed right away. 

Dentists have multiple fillings with different materials all meant for different purposes. If you have significant tooth decay, a filling might not be enough. You might be looking at implants as a restorative measure.

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Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can occur when bacteria gets inside your tooth and infects its inner pulp and root system. An abscess is a significant concern and can lead to incredibly serious complications with your health. Root canals are used to fix dental abscesses, this is a process where a special tool is used to clean out the inner pulp of the teeth. Afterward, a cap is usually placed on top to finish it off and protect the final result.
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Gum Disease (gingivitis)

Teeth aren’t the only part of the mouth that can cause you pain. Your gums protect a lot of your mouth and if the recession is bad enough than it can cause issues like red, puffy gums, bleeding gums, and exposed roots. If it’s bad enough that your roots are beginning to be exposed, your dentist needs to be notified right away. 

If you let your gum disease go to far than you might even need to speak to a periodontist, which is a specialist who focuses on the health of the gums.
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These are the main causes of toothaches:

  • Gum disease (Gingivitis)
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Cavities and tooth decay
  • Sensitive teeth

Toothache Solutions

Since the toothache can have a variety of different causes, there will be lots of different options you will have at your disposable.

Here are a few solutions for the causes we addressed in this article:

  • Gum disease (Gingivitis) – Could be as little as more brushing, root plaining, or you may need to speak to a periodontist.
  • Abscessed tooth – Root canal therapy, this will get rid of the infected pulp of your teeth.
  • Cavities and tooth decay – Fillings, caps, bridges, and extractions may all be solutions depending on how severe the cavities and decay are.
  • Sensitive teeth – First try sensitive toothpaste and mouthwash. If the sensitivity remains you may have a more serious problem like an exposed root, the dentist can help fix the sensitivity.

If the pain feels severe then it is likely an emergency. Bad toothaches will prevent you from doing daily activities.

A dentist can give you an educated answer on what caused it.

Here are some tips to know if you should call:

  • The pain feels severe.
  • The pain isn’t severe but isn’t going away.
  • The toothache prevents you from doing simple things like eating, drinking, or sleeping.


Really anytime you get a toothache it’s cause for concern, but it’s not always an emergency.

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